視頻演講Dr. Leah Barclay
近年,透過聲音監測環境變化的技術正迅速發展。在自然環境裡,透過使用簡單的非侵入性技術,再配合數碼聲學錄音技術來研究及監測物種不同時期的遷徙變化,有望填補我們對生態系統知識的空白。實地錄音技術不僅可以增強我們的聽覺感知能力,亦成為了聲音藝術家的寶貴工具,並有利社會各界提升環境管理及保育意識。現時,已有多位擁有大量跨領域演出經驗的生態聲音藝術家出現 —— 他們正致力推動跨領域、具革命性和教育意義的合作,以突顯聲音在理解不斷變化的環境中的重要性。隨著這些跨領域的思維不斷發展,當中激發了社會多元化的討論,並對實地錄音與倫理相關的問題帶來了具參考性的觀點。
本主題主要關注一系列研究項目的跨領域結構和成果,當中探討了傾聽的價值和實地錄音的作用,並從當代聲學生態學的視角對其進行論述。聲學生態學是一個以社會為基礎的跨學科研究領域,透過社區各界的參與,利用聲音來探索我們與一個地方的關係。此外,這些項目將引用 Dr. Barclay 的聲學生態框架及跨學科方法來進行研究,而相關框架及方法已成功應用於大堡礁的聲學研究項目、聯合國教科文組織生物圈保護區的大規模研究項目,以及在透過聲音監測淡水生態系統的相關研究項目裡取得重大進展。本研究旨在證明聲學生態學及藝術家、科學家和社區之間的跨學科合作,對於推動環境保育方面具有相當的潛力,並有助地球的生態重生和康復。

Dr. Leah Barclay
Dr. Leah Barclay is a sound artist, designer and researcher who works at the intersection of art, science and technology. Barclay's research and creative work over the last decade has investigated innovative approaches to recording and disseminating the soundscapes of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to inform conservation, scientific research and public engagement. Her work explores ways we can use creativity, new technologies and emerging science to reconnect communities to the environment and inspire climate action. Barclay has been the recipient of numerous awards and her work has been commissioned, performed and exhibited to wide acclaim internationally by organisations including the Smithsonian Museum, UNESCO, Ear to the Earth, Streaming Museum, Al Gore’s Climate Reality and the IUCN. Barclay’s augmented reality sound installations have been presented across the world from Times Square in New York City to the Eiffel Tower in Paris for COP21. Barclay leads several research projects at USC in Australia including "Biosphere Soundscapes" and "River Listening" that focus on advancing the field of ecoacoustics. The design of these interdisciplinary projects are responsive to the needs of collaborating communities and involve the development of new technologies including remote sensing devices for the rainforest canopy and hydrophone recording arrays in aquatic ecosystems.